Latest Episodes

Episode 51: The Crown
Crowns display a person's importance, role in cociety, job, and family lineage. Though we might not have actual crowns, we all have roles in...

Episode 50: Shields and T-Shirts
For quite a while, it was very "in" fashion to wear punny t-shirts identifying us as believers. Is that a good practice, or do...

Episode 49: American Gods and a Shalom Mindset
After debuting a new, "fun" segment of the podcast, Austin and Dan dive again into the concept of Shalom peace- a mindset and goal...

Episode 48: Righteousness
Righteousness is a big topic... what does it mean to live righteously? What roles do gratitude and justice have in our desires to live...

Episode 47: Truth
Christians believe that the Bible is our main source of truth... so what do we do when people disagree on interpretations? Dan and Austin...

Episode 46: The Full Armor
After a few weeks spring break, Deeper is back and more ready than ever! Austin and Dan today delve into what it means to...