Latest Episodes

Episode 75: Understanding Prayer
Now that we know WHY we should pray.... what even is prayer? How does the Trinity complicate (or simplify) our prayers? There's a lot...

Episode 74: Desiring Prayer
Often, we find ourselves wanting to want to pray- or rather, we know we should desire prayer, but can't bring ourselves to do that....

Episode 73: Broken Conduits
We all are very broken people, and often are not equipped to be healthy conduits of Christ's love and grace. How can we make...

Episode 72: Orthodoxy vs. Orthopraxy
We get so caught up in having orthodox theology that sometimes we lose sight of how we are supposed to practice our faith. What...

Episode 71: Complacency
Complacency is one of the biggest challenges that the church in America faces right now. We After centuries of Christian dominance in government and...

Episode 70: The Power of the King
We as humans have an absolutely corrupt view of power. We want it, fear it, don't know how to use it. How can we...